
Yes! We have bikinis with art and history!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Casa Zuzu Angel de Memória da Moda no Brasil has some pieces from our collection, displayed in a beautiful and important exhibition in several rooms in CCBB, Rio de Janeiro. This is Yés! We Have Bikinis. We supplied them with two rare 1950s swimsuits from the Katarine Lewanvowski Collection, as well as the precious Miss Brazil 1954 ribbon from the Martha Rocha Collection. Pageant swimsuits were an important icon of the 1950s and 1960s. If there was still any trace of prejudice as to whether fashion is art, art is fashion, or both at the same time, or vice versa or the contrary, any doubts will be dissipated after a visit to this exhibit curated by fashion journalist Lilian Pacce.

The exhibition transcends the mere account of the rise of the bikini 70 years ago and leads us through a journey into its glamorous past of golden swimsuits, perky breasts, pudgy women covering "mounts of venus" in latex bathing suits, maillots with hemming down there, resembling overalls, two well-intentioned pieces under a blue-sky background, with sandy (sandy texture) female mannequins on white waves, which are extraordinary scenographic findings of two very talented artists, Pier Balestrieri and Sergio Fuentes, who signs the exhibition.

Swimsuits come in the wake of this evolution, and we see the first bikinis, those with bows and lace, or those made of cloth, and then the 'hang gliders', the 'thong', the BumBum bikinis, and they keep evolving, imposing, with Brazil dealing the cards in this field. This is an interesting panel made by Pacce.

In the next room, a parallel is made with contemporary thongs, inspired by the indigenous culture, with its matrix: the indigenous thongs themselves, which - I apologize to today's designers - are incomparable in their beauty. Marajoara thongs from the pre-Columbian period, provided by the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology - USP, show that they were used here long before the discovery, but Portuguese colonizers, who were extreme moralists, did not see them as "clothing."

A room in which the printed bikinis are filled with ethereal bodies, with a sci-fi touch...

The great beachwear artists, Amir Slama, Isabela Frugiuele (Triya), Adriana Degreas, Azulay, Jacqueline De Biase (Salinas) make pas de deux of their works with artists from other areas, such as Marcela Tiboni, Claudio Edinger, Elen Braga, Beatriz Milhazes, Glauco Rodrigues, Jorge Fonseca, Gonçalo Ivo, J. Borges, Maria Martins. Sensitive lenses of human expression and fashion are there with some of their masterpieces - Alair Gomes, Cartiê Bressão, Fernando Schlaepfer, Fráncio de Holanda, German Lorca, Julio Bittencourt, Otto Stupakoff, Pierre Verger, Rochelle Costi, Thomaz Farkas, Antonio Guerreiro, Bob Wolfenson, Tripolli, Claudia Guimarães, Daniel Klajmic, Klaus Mitteldorf, Marcelo Krasilic, Miro, Vavá Ribeiro and Willy Biondani.

An entire space dedicated to Leda Catunda - and she deserves it! So much beauty! In the last room, the noise and smell of the ocean, beach experiences, the skin itches just from imagining the sand. It’s a shame I didn’t take a bucket to get my feet wet while standing in from of the works of Cássio Vasconcellos and Katia Maciel.

In addition, Fabio Cunha, general manager of Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil: "Fashion, in addition to its initial purpose of dressing bodies, has always been related to social, cultural, political and economic issues. This exhibition brings a diversity that we always look for at CCBB, and it presents a dialogue between the most representative Brazilian element in the fashion world with contemporary works of art that challenge the visitor to interpret these associations”.

After Yves Saint-Laurent, this is the second time that CCBB opens its doors to the fashion world, but with this comprehensive cultural vision demonstrated by Cunha, we believe that we will see more fashion exhibitions in the future. Staggered admirers will be thankful.

Technical data

Scenography: Pier Balestrieri and Sérgio Fuentes
Visual Communication: Kiko Farkas.
Contemporary art consultancy: Sandra Tucci
General Coordination and Executive Production: With Tato Agência Sociocriativa.

Curatorship: Lilian Pacce, author of O Biquíni Made in Brazil.


Yés! Nós Temos Biquíni

Exhibition: from May 15th to July 10th


The exhibition brings together 120 works to celebrate the 70 years of the piece of clothing that transformed the behavior of women.

From Wednesday to Monday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Rua Primeiro de Março, 66. Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 20010-000

Tel.: (21) 3808-2020


Hildegard Angel - Blog de Hildegard Angel

Zuzu In



Homenagem para Zuzu no Parque Gloria Maria

Alunos da Faetec produzem evento e irão desfilar em homenagem a Zuzu Angel no Parque Glória Maria


Zuzu Angel Institute receives donation of centennial pieces from Fabrica Arp in Friburgo.

The Zuzu Angel Institute received a donation of a book with 26,000 samples of fabrics, embroidery and tulle from the centenary Fabrica de lace Arp in Nova Friburgo.